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个人简介 特聘教授,院士,博士生导师 工作经历: 1999 -2003 中国科学院生物物理研究所,所长 1997 -2003 北京生物大分子国家重点实验室,主任 2003 - 清华大学生命科学学院,教授 2015 - 5845cc威斯尼斯人商人医学部,特聘教授 研究领域
分子酶学 基本信息
职称:教授 院部/部门:5845cc威斯尼斯人商人5845cc威斯尼斯人商人 学历: 学位: 毕业学校: 毕业专业: 联系方式
通讯地址: 邮政编码: 电子邮箱:zhixinwang@suda.edu.cn 联系电话:0512-65883774 传真号码: 办公地点:医学部 科学研究
主要从事分子酶学、蛋白质化学、结构生物学和生物信息学研究,已在国际重要学术刊物上发表论文90余篇。在不可逆抑制动力学,特别是酶活性不可逆抑制动力学理论和方法发展及推广应用方面作出了创造性的贡献;将数学和生物学研究紧密结合,独树一帜,系统地研究和解决分子酶学和结构生物学中的一些重要问题。 科研团队
1. Lu, C and Wang, ZX*. Quantitative Analysis of LigandInduced Heterodimerization of Two Distinct Receptors. Anal Chem 89(13): 6926-6930 (2017). 2. Liu, X, Zhang, CS, Lu, C, Lin, SC, Wu, JW* and Wang, ZX*. Aconserved motif in JNK/p38-specific MAPK phosphatases as a determinant for JNK1recognition and inactivation. Nat Commun 7: 10879 (2016). 3. Li, SJ, Wang, J, Ma, L, Lu, C, Wang, J, Wu, JW* and Wang, ZX*. Cooperative autoinhibition and multi-level activation mechanisms ofcalcineurin. Cell Res 26(3): 336-49 (2016). 4. Wang, J, Jiang, J, Wang, J, Chen, L, Fan, SL, Wu, JW, Wang, X and Wang, ZX*. Structural insights into the negative regulation of BRI1signaling by BRI1-interacting protein BKI1. Cell Res 24(11):1328-41 (2014). 5. Zheng, LS, Zhang, YY, Wu, JW, Wu, Z, Zhang, ZY and Wang, ZX*. A continuous spectrophotometric assay for mitogen-activated protein kinasekinases. Anal Biochem421(1): 191-7 (2012). 6. Zhang, YY, Wu, JW and Wang, ZX*. Mitogen-activated proteinkinase (MAPK) phosphatase 3-mediated cross-talk between MAPKs ERK2 andp38alpha. J Biol Chem 286(18): 16150-62 (2011). 7. Zhang, YY, Wu, JW and Wang, ZX*. A distinct interactionmode revealed by the crystal structure of the kinase p38alpha with the MAPKbinding domain of the phosphatase MKP5. Sci Signal 4(204): ra88(2011). 8. Wang, J, Wu, JW and Wang, ZX*. Mechanistic studies of theautoactivation of PAK2: a two-step model of cis initiation followed by transamplification. J Biol Chem 286(4): 2689-95 (2011). 9. Wang, J, Wu, JW and Wang, ZX*. Structural insights intothe autoactivation mechanism of p21-activated protein kinase. Structure 19(12): 1752-61 (2011). 荣誉奖励
1,博士生:医学细胞与分子生物学(1001Z2) 2,硕士生:生化与分子生物学(071010) |